Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Computer Input and Output Devices

Computer Input and Output Devices

Computer being a versatile machine can process different types of data. so to work with these data types we need different type of devices which can help us to enter such data types in the computer and to receive their outputs as well in this chapter we will cover many such devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick, light pen, printer, speaker, etc. That can be used with the computer.
What is computer?What is Computer?
Children you know that computer is a data processing machine and it needs user’s instructions to perform any job. After processing the raw facts (called data), it produces useful information for the user. But how do you give data and instructions to the computer and how it can return the useful information to you.
To do all these, different types of input and output devices can be connected with the computer.
Input Devices
The devices which are used to give data and instructions to the computer are called Input Devices. Various types of input devices can be used with the computer depending upon the type of data you want to enter in the computer, e.g., keyboard, mouse, joystick, light pen, etc.
Think and Answer
Which of your sense organs work like input devices?
KeyboardAbout Computer Keyboard Keys
It is the most commonly used input device. It is used to enter data and instructions directly into the computer. There are 104 buttons on the keyboard which are called keys.
Did you Know?
The keyboard was invented 134 years ago by Christopher L. Sholes.
Mouse is another input device which is commonly found connected with the computers. It is basically a pointing device which works on the principle of Point and Click. When the mouse is moved on the mouse pad, a light beam underneath reflect to give motion to the pointer on the screen. types of computer mouseThe mouse is used in windows based programs, where the user can run the commands by pointing the objects with the help of pointer and clicking the buttons on the mouse. We also use mouse for drawing in paint and kid pix.
Most of the latest mouses, these days, include a wheel in the middle of two buttons that help us to scroll through documents more easily. we use our forefinger to move the wheel to scroll up or down in a document. Optical mouse uses red light to track the movement of mouse for moving the pointer on the computer screen. This type of mouse is more accurate and reliable than the traditional mouse.
Nowadays cordless mouse is very popular. it dose not have wires. it either uses Bluetooth technology to sends the data through the air to a receiver, usually plugged in USB port of the computer.
Joystick and Game-pad
Computer Joystick and GamepadJoystick and game-pad are also input devices which are also input devices which are used to control the movement of object on the screen. Just like mouse, these are also pointing devices. Mostly they are used for playing games on the computer.
The joystick has a vertical stick with a track ball at its bottom. While playing the games on the computer, the user needs to move the objects quickly on the screen. With the movement of this vertical stick the objects can be moved in all the directions easily.
A game-pad is a type of game controller held in two hands, where the fingers (especially thumbs)are used to provide input by pressing buttons on it. It is also known as Control Pad.
Think and Answer
Have you seen joystick in any other machine?
Computer Input Device Light PenLight Pen
Light pen is another pointing type input device. It is a pen shaped device which can be used by directly pointing the objects on the screen. It can also be used for making drawings directly on the monitor screen.
We can store pictures, photographs, diagrams into the computer with the help of scanner. The scanner reads the image and saves it in the computer as a file.
Computer Input Device TouchScreenTouchscreen
Touchscreen is a special computer screen that takes the input by sensing the touch of a human finger, gloved hand, stylus, pen or any other pointing device. The user gives instructions to the computer just by touching the screen.
This is an input device which is used to record sound or voice into the computer system. You can store voice data in the computer by speaking in front of this device.
Computer TrackballA trackball is similar to a mouse but is mounted in a fixed position. The user spins the ball with fingers to move the pointer on the screen.
A Trackball technology was used in earlier laptop computer which is now replaced with track-pad.
Think and Answer
Name any two input devices you commonly use while working on computer.
Output Devices
The devices which are used to display the results or information are called Output Devices. You can view the output on the monitor or you can print it on a paper using a printer. Monitor and the printer are the commonly used output devices.
This is the most common output device connected with the computer to display the processed information. It looks like a TV and is also know as VDU(Visual Display Unit). Pictures are displayed by using a large number of very small dots on screen called pixels. The number of pixels that a monitor can show on its screen is referred to as the resolution of the screen.LCD Monitor and CRT Monitor

The two commonly used monitor types are:
  1. Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)Monitor
  2. Liquid crystal Display(LCD)Monitor
Add to Your knowledge
LCD uses very small amount of electricity as compound to CRT.
The output produced on the screen is called Soft Copy Output because it cannot be retained for a long time.
Nowadays LCD monitors are more popular as their sharp picture quality. They are light weighted and flat screen monitors.
This is an important output device of the computer system. It gives a printed output of the results that appears on the monitor screen. Printed output is also called Hard Copy output because unlike monitor, this output can be preserved even if the computer is switched off.
Think and Answer
What kind of printer do you use in your school?
Printers are of different types. On the basis of their printing techniques, printers are grouped as follows:
1.Character printer
2.Line printer
3.Page printer
Computer Input Device Printers Are of Different Types

Character Printer
Character printer prints one character at a time; it prints at the speed of around 30 to 600 characters per second.
Dot Matrix printer is an example of a character printer.
Dot Matrix Printer
This type of printer works like a typewriter. It creates an impression on the paper by pressing the end of pins fixed in its print heads, against an inked ribbon. This printer is noisy with a low print quality. Its speed is measured in CPS(Characters Per Second).
Line Printer
This is high speed printer that prints one line at a time. It is used when large quantity of output is required as it produces the quick output. Examples of a Line printer are Drum printer and the Chain printer. The noise level of these printers is high and speed ranges from 200 to 2000 LPM(Lines Per Minute).
Page Printer
Page Printer prints a whole page at a time. Examples of these printers are inkjet printer or a Line printer because it has to store each page in memory before printing it.
Inkjet Printer
This type of printer prints by spraying tiny ink droplets on the paper. It can print in both, color as well as black and white. The print quality of this printer is better than that of Dot Matrix Printer and it prints without making any noise. Its speed is measured in PPM(Pages Per Minute).
Add to your knowledge
The most commonly used printers are:Dot matrix,inkjet and Laser printers.
Laser printer
In this type of printer, laser beam technology is used to print the text or graphics on the paper. The speed of this printer is very fast and it gives out very fine quality prints. It’s speed is also measured in PPM.
Speakercompute Speakers information For Kides
Speakers are categorised as output devices. These are used to listen to the music and sounds played by the computer. Normally they come in a pair and have different shapes and sizes.
PlotterWe can get the print of a photograph, drawing, image stored in the computer, by using a plotter. It is an output device which provides a high quality of printed output. It is generally used by engineers and architects.

Monday, 29 January 2018



So you're shopping for a new computer in an electronics store and you're trying to make sense of the technical specifications. One computer that looks pretty cool has a 64-bit quad-core Intel i7 3.5 GHz processor. Sounds impressive, but what does it really mean?
The last computer you bought a few years ago had a sticker on it that said Pentium 4, but you don't remember the details. The computer was getting sort of slow, but why would you need a 64-bit quad-core? Why exactly is this better than the processor in your old computer? To understand what the specifications mean, we first have to look at how the processor is designed and how it functions.


The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is a piece of hardware that carries out the instructions of a computer program. It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system. The CPU is like the brains of the computer - every instruction, no matter how simple, has to go through the CPU. So let's say you press the letter 'k' on your keyboard and it appears on the screen - the CPU of your computer is what makes this possible. The CPU is sometimes also referred to as the central processor unit, or processor for short. So when you are looking at the specifications of a computer at your local electronics store, it typically refers to the CPU as the processor.
When we start to look at the various components of a CPU and how they function, remember that this is all about speed. When we use a computer, we want the instructions to be carried out very fast. As the instructions become more complicated (for example, creating a 3D animation or editing a video file), we demand more from the CPU. Thus, the technological advances we have seen in processor technology have largely been driven by the need for speed.


A typical CPU has a number of components. The first is the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs simple arithmetic and logical operations. Second is the control unit (CU), which manages the various components of the computer. It reads and interprets instructions from memory and transforms them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer. The control unit calls upon the arithmetic logic unit to perform the necessary calculations.
Third is the cache, which serves as high-speed memory where instructions can be copied to and retrieved. Early CPUs consisted of many separate components, but since the 1970s, they have been constructed as a single integrated unit called a microprocessor. As such, a CPU is a specific type of microprocessor. The individual components of a CPU have become so integrated that you can't even recognize them from the outside. This CPU is about two inches by two inches in size.
top-view of Intel CPU
bottom-view of Intel CPU
CPUs are located on the motherboard. Motherboards have a socket for this, which is specific for a certain type of processor. A CPU gets very hot and therefore needs its own cooling system in the form of a heat sink and/or fan.
CPU with heatsink and fan
The ALU is where the calculations occur, but how do these calculations actually get carried out? To a computer, the world consists of zeros and ones. Inside a processor, we can store zeros and ones using transistors. These are microscopic switches that control the flow of electricity depending on whether the switch is on or off. So the transistor contains binary information: a one if a current passes through and a zero if a current does not pass through.

Transistors are located on a very thin slice of silicon. A single silicon chip can contain thousands of transistors. A single CPU contains a large number of chips. Combined, these only cover about a square inch or so. In a modern CPU, however, that square inch can hold several hundred million transistors - the very latest high-end CPUs have over one billion! Calculations are performed by signals turning on or off different combinations of transistors. And more transistors means more calculations. You may be interested to know that the material, silicon, used in chips is what gave the Silicon Valley region of California its name.

Top 10 Password Cracking Tools

Top 10 Password Cracking Tools

The other purposes of password cracking tools might be to help a user recover a forgotten password of a system or any software. But in the world of hacking, hackers are using such a tools to break or crack the stolen password hashes of a database. Or using them to hack the wireless network and crack the passwords. So hope you completely understand the primary purpose of password cracking tools.
List of Top 10 Password Cracking Tools:
  1. OphCrack
  2. RainbowCrack
  3. HashCat
  4. Cain & Abel
  5. Wfuzz Password Cracking Tools
  6. Brutus Password Cracking Tools
  7. John the Ripper
  8. THC Hydra
  9. L0phtCrack
  10. Aircrack-NG


#1. OphCrack

It is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms. See some features of Ophcrack password cracking tools. The uploaded version of Ophcrack compiled for Windows 64-bit platforms. This version can preload tables using the whole RAM available instead of the only 2GB on 32-bit platforms.


  • Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, …
  • Cracks LM and NTLM hashes.
  • Free tables available for Windows XP and Vista/7/8.1.
  • Brute-force module for simple passwords.
  • Audit mode and CSV export.
  • Real-time graphs to analyse the passwords.
  • Live CD available to simplify the cracking.
  • Dumps and loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition.
  • Free and open source software (GPL).
Download the latest Ophcrack version from Sourceforge, the open source software storage.


2. RainbowCrack

The RainbowCrack password cracking tools is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin’s faster time-memory trade-off technique. It cracks hashes with rainbow tables. RainbowCrack uses time-memory tradeoff algorithm to crack hashes. It differs from brute force hash crackers.
A brute force hash cracker generates all possible plaintexts and compute the corresponding hashes on the fly, then compare the hashes with the hash to be cracked. Once a match is found, the plaintext is found. If all possible plaintexts are tested, and no match is found, the plaintext is not found. With this type of hash cracking, all intermediate computation results are discarded.


  • Full time-memory tradeoff tool suites, including rainbow table generation, sort, conversion and lookup
  • Support rainbow table of any hash algorithm
  • Support rainbow table of any charset
  • Support rainbow table in raw file format (.rt) and compact file format (.rtc)
  • Computation on multi-core processor support
  • GPU acceleration with NVIDIA GPUs (CUDA technology)
  • GPU acceleration with AMD GPUs (OpenCL technology)
  • GPU acceleration with multiple GPUs
  • Runs on Windows operating systems
  • Windows XP 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows Vista 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Windows 8 32-bit / 64-bit
  • Runs on Linux operating systems (x86 and x86_64)
  • Unified rainbow table file format on all supported operating systems
  • Command line user interface
  • Graphics user interface
Download the latest version of RainbowCrack password cracking tools from project-rainbowcrack website.

HashCat Advanced Password Recovery
HashCat Advanced Password Recovery

3. HashCat

Hashcat is the world’s fastest CPU-based password recovery tool. While it’s not as fast as its GPU counterpart oclHashcat, extensive lists can be easily split in half with a good dictionary and a bit of knowledge of the command switches.
Hashcat was written somewhere in the middle of 2009. Yes, there were already close-to-perfect working tools supporting rule-based attacks like “PasswordsPro”, “John The Ripper”. However, for some unknown reason, both of them did not support multi-threading. That was the only reason to write Hashcat: To make use of the multiple cores of modern CPUs.
  • Worlds fastest password cracker
  • Worlds first and only GPGPU based rule engine
  • Free
  • Multi-GPU (up to 128 GPUs)
  • Multi-Hash (up to 100 million hashes)
  • Multi-OS (Linux & Windows native binaries)
  • Multi-Platform (OpenCL & CUDA support)
  • Multi-Algo (see below)
  • Low resource utilisation, you can still watch movies or play games while cracking
  • Focuses highly iterated modern hashes
  • Focuses dictionary based attacks
  • Supports distributed cracking
  • Supports pause/resume while cracking
  • Supports sessions
  • Supports restore
  • Supports reading words from file
  • Supports reading words from stdin
  • Supports hex-salt
  • Supports hex-charset
  • Built-in benchmarking system
  • Integrated thermal watchdog
  • 150+ Algorithms implemented with performance in mind
  • and much more
Download the latest version HashCat from the oclhashcat website.
 4. Cain & Abel
It is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords.
It also helps you for recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analysing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort. It covers some security aspects/weakness present in protocol’s standards, authentication methods and caching mechanisms; its main purpose is the simplified recovery of passwords and credentials from various sources. However, it also ships some “non-standard” utilities for Microsoft Windows users.
Download the latest version of Cain and Abel from the oxit website which creates and support this software.


 5. Wfuzz Password Cracking Tools 

Time for special password cracking tools for web applications. The Wfuzz password cracking tools is a software designed for brute forcing Web Applications. It can be used for finding resources not linked (directories, servlets, scripts, etc.). Brute force GET and POST parameters for checking a different kind of injections (SQL, XSS, LDAP, etc.), brute-force Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing, etc. See some features below and read full details at the edge-security website.

Some Features:

  • Multiple Injection points capability with multiple dictionaries
  • Recursion (When doing directory brute force)
  • Post, headers and authentication data brute forcing
  • Output to HTML
  • Colored output
  • Hide results by return code, word numbers, line numbers, regex.
  • Cookies fuzzing
  • Multithreading
  • Proxy support
  • SOCK support
  • Time delays between requests
  • Authentication support (NTLM, Basic)
  • All parameters brute-forcing (POST and GET)
  • Multiple encoders per payload
  • Payload combinations with iterators
  • Baseline request (to filter results against)
  • Brute force HTTP methods
  • Multiple proxy support (each request through a different proxy)
  • HEAD scan (faster for resource discovery)
  • Dictionaries tailored for known applications (Weblogic, Iplanet, Tomcat, Domino, Oracle 9i,
    Vignette, Coldfusion and much more.i
    (Many dictionaries are from Darkraver’s Dirb, www.open-labs.org)s
Download the latest version from the edge-security website.

Brutus Password Cracking Tools
Brutus Password Cracking Tools

6. Brutus Password Cracking Tools
The Brutus is also a good password cracking tools for the web application, but it is not updated for many years. You might still need a web application password cracker. Brutus was one of the most popular remote online password cracking tools. It claims to be the fastest and most flexible password cracking tool. This tool is free and is only available for Windows systems. It was released back in October 2000.
Brutus version AET2 is the current release and includes the following authentication types :
  • HTTP (Basic Authentication)
  • HTTP (HTML Form/CGI)
  • POP3
  • FTP
  • SMB
  • Telnet
  • Other types such as IMAP, NNTP, NetBus etc. are freely downloadable from this site and directly imported into your copy of Brutus. You can create your forms or use other peoples.
The current release includes the following functionality :
  • Multi-stage authentication engine
  • 60 simultaneous target connections
  • No username, single username and multiple username modes
  • Password list, combo (user/password) list and configurable brute force modes
  • Highly customisable authentication sequences
  • Load and resume position
  • Import and Export custom authentication types as BAD files seamlessly
  • SOCKS proxy support for all authentication types
  • User and password list generation and manipulation functionality
  • HTML Form interpretation for HTML Form/CGI authentication types
  • Error handling and recovery capability in resume after crash/failure.
If you would like to use this old and out of date tools, download from the hoobie website.

John the Ripper
John the Ripper

7. John the Ripper

The John the Ripper is a fast opensource password cracking tools, currently available for many flavours of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypts (3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix systems supported out of the box are Windows LM hashes, plus lots of other hashes and cyphers in the community-enhanced version.
Download John the Ripper from the openwojhhhall website, the place to bringing security into the open environment.

THC Hydra
THC Hydra

 8. THC Hydra

The THC-Hydra is a fast network logon cracker which supports many different services. When you need to brute force crack a remote authentication service, Hydra is often the tool of choice. It can perform fast dictionary attacks against more than 30 protocols, including telnet, FTP, HTTP, https, SMB, several databases, and much more.
Download the THC Hydra from THC website and see feature sets and services coverage also.


9. L0phtCrack

The L0phtCrack Password Cracking Tools is an alternative to OphCrack. It attempts to crack Windows passwords from hashes. For cracking passwords, it uses Windows workstations, network servers, primary domain controllers, and Active Directory. It also uses a dictionary and brute force attacking for generating and guessing passwords.
  • L0phtCrack 6 is packed with powerful features such as scheduling, hash extraction from 64 bit Windows versions, multiprocessor algorithms, and networks monitoring and decoding. It is still the easiest to use password auditing and recovery software available.
  • The range of Target Systems Software runs On Windows XP and higher. It operates on networks with Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003 R1/R2, Server 2008 R1/R2, on 32- and 64-bit environments, as well as most BSD and Linux variants with an SSH daemon.
  • Password Scoring
  • Pre-computed Dictionary Support
  • Windows & Unix Password Support
  • Remote password retrieval
  • Scheduled Scans
  • Remediation
  • Updated Vista/Windows 7 Style UI
  • Executive Level Reporting
  • Password Risk Status
  • Password Audit Method
  • Password Character Sets
  • Password Length Distribution
  • Summary Report
Download the latest version from l0phtcrack website.


10. Aircrack-NG

The Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimisations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.
In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. To secure a Wireless network against Wireless hacking read the article “5 Steps to Secure your home Wireless Network“.
Download the Aircrack-ng from the Aircrack-ng website, where you can find more information about this Wireless Password Cracking Tools. You might need to read “5 ways to Hack Wireless Network” article that is a good way to secure your Wireless Network.

11. Medusa

The Medusa password Cracking tool is intended to be a speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer. The goal is to support as many services which allow remote authentication as possible. The author considers following items as some of the key features of this application:
  • Thread-based parallel testing. Brute-force testing can be performed against multiple hosts, users or passwords concurrently.
  • Flexible user input. Target information (host/user/password) can be specified in a variety of ways. For example, each item can be either a single entry or a file containing multiple entries. Additionally, a combination file format allows the user to refine their target listing.
  • Modular design. Each service module exists as an independent .mod file. It means that no modifications are necessary to the core application to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing.
  • Multiple protocols supported. Many services are currently supported (e.g. SMB, HTTP, POP3, MS-SQL, SSHv2, among others).
Download the latest Medusa tools from the foofus website which support the fgdump tool for mass password Auditing of Windows Systems. It is also a best cracking tool

Computer SAM file cracking with Ophcrack /

SAM file cracking with Ophcrack 
” Hi folks. It happens with many peoples including that you forgot the windows account password and having troubles in Login process OR you simply want to know the Password of your schools or Friends PC “.
Well then I think again its time to crack the Hashes in an easy way. Yeah I know that there are ways to reset the password like RESET WINDOWS PASSWORD but here I’m talking about viewing the password. There is a cool bootable CD called Ophcrack which allows you to crack the hashes using rainbow table and is available in simple GUI.
Its a small linux distribution with a tons of features but very popular for its easy and fast hash cracking feature. I’ll cover the detailed features of ophcrack in future article soon.
Basic: Windows uses NTLM hashes to encrypt the password file which gets stored in SAM file. We simply need to target this file to retrieve the password
Tools Required:
  • Ophcrack Live CD. Download from here
  • Time and Patience
Lets get started….
Insert the Ophcrack Live CD and Boot your PC. Make sure the Boot from CD is the first option in the Boot menu at BIOS.
You’ll get the Startup menu.
here choose Ophcrack Graphic mode – automatic
After few old loading shots, it’ll redirect to the Linux Desktop. There Click on menu > Run
In the pop up box type > ophcrack click ok
Now you can see the ophcrack application windows. Here, click on Load > Encrypted SAM
After that we need to give the path to SAM directory which is by default /mnt/hda1/WINDOWS/System32 click choose
Here we can see the saved hashed now with the username and userid.
Now click on Crack button and wait for the password. Its quick and easy
That’s it. It’ll show the password now Have fun with the cracked password.
Note: Ophcrack is a live Linux CD, it may not work on all the versions of Windows 7 however its working fine with Windows XP/Vista.

How to Crack Windows 10 Password with Windows 10 Password Cracker

No.1: How to Crack Windows 10 Password with Windows 10 Password Cracker The first way I'd like to introduce is to hack Windows 10 pa...